just wanted to get an idea of what you guys feel is the best area for non skiers. when i've skied in new england it was mostly in college and we went to the mountain and crashed at a house somebody knew. that was pico, killington, mount snow, okemo, mrg, and stratton. i didn't really get a chance to check out the surrounding areas. in those days we would ski, party,sleep, do it again, leave. i'd like to take the whole family now but not everyone wants to ski everyday unlike me. the girls want to shop and go to lunch, the kids want a day off to play or do something else, and ma and pa want something in between. its been a while. looking for a place with a town, couple of cool bars, resort with a good teen activities, maybe something for the older folks. I've heard smugglers was a great family place. stratton i know has changed. would love to ski in and out but not a must. new york, vermont, new hampshire, maine, canada? guidance? help!