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Burke MT Ski Area



thetrailboss posted:
if you read my posts above, you'd see that I too was a Sugarbush passholder for two seasons and skied there a lot. The two are different worlds. With regards to what you've said before here about Burke, I understand that you may not like it, but don't make up things about the "steep access road" because that is a bogus claim
. If you read my post, I did refer to my read of your previous posts. I stated that even a season ticket holder can miss a lot of the good snow days at a resort. I do recognize that the roads at SB can be more trecherous, but in comparison to New Hampshire areas of similar verticle height Burke does have a steep incline. It isn't bogus at all, neither am I making anything up about it. Compared to Canon, Bretton Woods and Loon, the last leg of that long jouney is steep. You seem not to want to see the truth here, do you? You get a better ski experience at Burke, but you have to pay an additional cost in drive time. The same goes for every area in Vermont except Ascutney. On top of that a decision to travel to Burke over the major ski areas in both Vermont and N.H. has to take in considerations the better lift service at the other areas and other amenities one may find. Nevertheless, you will look for some way to twist my words or the truth to defend your fanatic devotion. You're wrong in claiming that I don't like Burke and I neveer stated that. Obviously you have jumped to another conclusion without looking objectively at the statements. You don't want to see the drawbacks to optaining your benefits at Burke.


New member
Jul 10, 2001
Ashland, NH
whoa whoa whoa, hold on here... if speeds over 55 are so unsafe and dangerous, why are interstate speed limits 65? speed in and of itself is not dangerous, high speed with increased unsafe and dangerous variables is what is dangerous (e.g. lots of cars on the road, wet conditions, sharp turns, etc.). suggesting that a car driving at 65 on an interstate highway with no other cars around is unsafe is ludicrous. speed does not kill, dumb driving habits and not slowing down when conditions merit more cautious driving is what causes accidents. regarding MPG, i drive at 70 MPG and get 30 MPG and i am happy with that. everyone has their own tolerance level for how much money they spend vs. how much time they drive. there's that saying that time is money and perhaps more gas money is worth less driving to some people. your way of driving is good for you, fine. but don't go getting all superior here thinking that your method of driving is better than any one elses. regarding longevity of a car, my last car went to 204,000 miles with little maintainece before the tranny broke, it would have went further if i had been more gentle on the car going between reverse and drive.

what the heck does this have to do with burke besides showing the reason why you thought burke was a long drive?


Staff member
Jun 4, 2004
NEK by Birth
No twisting words here and no jumping to conclusions.

Burke is my home and I am proud of it. I may be a native Vermonter, but I know good skiing when I see it! Granted the lifts may be slower and some of the other amentities may not be up to Stratton standards, I don't pay for slopeside condos or or shopping plazas when I ski. I've skied at a lot of places and home is always special.

Burke has devoted community members who volunteer to make it happen and they work hard to provide local kids with an opportunity to ski or snowboard. It is the real deal--something many resorts are trying to imitate.


Staff member
Jul 1, 2001
riverc0il said:
what the heck does this have to do with burke besides showing the reason why you thought burke was a long drive?
Agreed. Can we please try to get back on track with this thread and stop the senseless bickering...? :roll:


Staff member
Jun 4, 2004
NEK by Birth
Greg said:
riverc0il said:
what the heck does this have to do with burke besides showing the reason why you thought burke was a long drive?
Agreed. Can we please try to get back on track with this thread and stop the senseless bickering...? :roll:

Agreed...we should be talking of our experiences with skiing at Burke and any memories. Where do I start? :wink: Well, there was that powder day in Feb 2003...10 inches of freshies and nobody around! East Bowl was magnificent.


Oh, Yea?

riverc0il stated
don't go getting all superior here thinking that your method of driving is better than any one elses
If experience is any kind of teacher then my way of driving is an educated one for sure. On top of that, how many senior citizens do you know that exceed the speed limits as a matter of habit? I don't know where you get the idea that I'm getting all superior about it, either. I'm convinced that my way of driving (when I drive at all) will help me lead a longer more gratifying and prosperous life. In that case, I believe that it may be better than the average way of driving. Now, I agree with much of what you have stated. However, driving has it's social responsibilities. Breaking the law and exceeding the speed limit demonstrates a selfish and rather socially irresponsible way of driving. The speed limit has been set through the democratic process, the way we determine socially accepted behavour. Just because most people scoff at the law doesn't mean that it is acceptable behaviour. My attitude of driving below the limits set by the democratic process isn't a superior one. Now, the limit is set with certain caveats regarding road conditions. It's safety isn't guaranteed by the government, it is the recommended LIMIT at ideal conditions. When it was set nationwide at 55 that was due to the idea that lowering gasoline consumption was a public responsibility and a benefit for society in general, not a benefit for individuals. On top of this, I'm not stating that I haven't experienced excessive or dangerous speed, only that I realize it's dangers and have decided that the risks aren't worth the rewards. The same goes for socially irresponsible behaviour in general. Now, when it comes to increasing your maintenance costs, you can look at this from two perspectives. One being the costs to society in general and the other your individual costs. Your individual costs may not increase perceptibly, but societies cost does. You didn't replace your trainee because it was easier for you to buy a another car. There's the consumer based economy at it's finest. However, look at the costs to the U.S. economy when it consumes more than it produces. Of course you think that your trainee failled for reasons independent of your excessive speed. Let's assume that's true. However, if you replaced it, how long would your engine last? How about your tires? Ignoring your personal costs here (don't forget your dollar would purchase these foreign made goods and it has lost 33% of it's value in the last two years), there's the social costs. Wars in Iraq(oil), Vietnam (natural rubber), Korea (steel mfg.) are fights over the raw materials of the automobiles that are being consumed here. The loss of life isn't just on the hiway.



Agreed...we should be talking of our experiences with skiing at Burke and any memories.
That is what is being discussed (this isn't bickering by the way) i.e. is the experience of skiing Burke. Is it remote or isn't it? We all know it is a good ski experience by Northeast U.S. standards. The same goes for Mad River. However, there are drawbacks to both areas. One would be seasonal. You can't ski Burke in the summer. Access is very important in these kinds of action sports. As an example let's take the famous promo for Mad River,
Ski it if you Can.
That implies that it isn't easy to ski it. Your access isn't easy. They are admitting that, yet they are using it very successfully as an advertisement. It's a challenge to your ability to get there as well as your ability to ski there.


Staff member
Jun 4, 2004
NEK by Birth
Just went for my morning update of ski conditions and Burke has revamped their website...check it out www.skiburke.com

They also sell discount tix for Burke at Mr. Tux shops as mentioned.

As to the "ski it if you can," Burke is trying a new "genuine Vermont" angle that includes the "we are far away...far away from the crowds, etc" But as said, what they need right now is snow.


Staff member
Jun 4, 2004
NEK by Birth
Burke got some much needed snow--snocountry reports 6 inches of new snow bringing their trail count up to 18 from 12. Jay got a similar amount bringing them to 30 open trails.


Sep 17, 2004
Wayland, MA

How has the season been so far at Burke in your estimation? Friends of ours were there over the Xmas Holiday week and were disappointed by the lack of snowmaking effort in their opinion. They've been debating about buying one of the Powderhorn units, but are "hemming and hawing." What's your take? We're planning to do a day there over the February vacation week and are very much looking forward to it!


New member
Jul 10, 2001
Ashland, NH
stomachdoc, my take is burke usually gets so much snow they don't need an aggresive snow making system. i have skied burke nearly 100% in december and early january with better snow conditions than most other new england mountains. given the way this season has gone with thaws, rain storms, and lack of snow... i don't think you're friends are fairly evaluating burke. if they require a rediculously powderful snow making system, they should be looking into condos at Kmart, sunday river, or the like. i consider burke to be one of the more reliable locations in new england for snow cover, this is just a tough year.



What is it with you guys and your fanatic dedication to Burke?
riverc0il said:
i don't think you're friends are fairly evaluating burke. if they require a rediculously powderful snow making system, they should be looking into condos at Kmart, sunday river, or the like. i consider burke to be one of the more reliable locations in new england for snow cover, this is just a tough year.
I find that last statement a bit flip. Try answering the question. On top of that it's spelled ridiculous. Burke prabably doesn't have a remarkable snow-making system because they can't afford it. They also may not have an easy (cheap) water source. The guy's question was about current conditions.
riverc0il said:
stomachdoc, my take is burke usually gets so much snow they don't need an aggresive snow making system. i have skied burke nearly 100% in december and early january with better snow conditions than most other new england mountains.
Your personal experiences don't cut it. You could have been skiing on the few days that they seemed to have better conditions.
riverc0il said:
given the way this season has gone with thaws, rain storms, and lack of snow...
Right, and this has happened all over the Northeast in the triangle from N.Y. to Montreal to Portland. I was considering driving up there last week, but I doubt if their snow cover is very good this year. It's necessary to consider the extent of snow-making right now.
thetrailboss said:
Burke got some much needed snow--snocountry reports 6 inches of new snow bringing their trail count up to 18 from 12. Jay got a similar amount bringing them to 30 open trails.
Jay is so far North and in some kind of favorable snow belt situation that I expect better natural there, not so Burke. What's the truth about this? 30 trails at Jay isn't a lot for them, is it? Certainly 6 inches won't last.


Aug 16, 2004
Southeastern Mass.
Burke conditions

In my case dedicated yes - fanatic no. Anyway my take (personal experience) on Burkes snowmaking system is that its capability is limited to agumenting natural snow cover and is not capable covering an entire mountain devoid of snow. This year the traditional New England rain out was a little too close to the holiday for a full recovery. For the past six seasons (personal experience) we have spent 30 to 40 days at Burke and have found the conditons to be very good and consistant, with the exception of Christmas '98, if memory serves, and this year. Just too much rain. We went up Wed. before New Years and I boarded Thur and the trails that were open were pretty good, Friday it rained and we came home Sat. I have not spoken with anyone who went up north this Christmas and found particularly good conditions - anywhere. rivercOil is correct in his statement about the snowmaking system and conditions, stomachdocs friends need to decide if they require a kmart or wherever snowmaking capability. Like any puchase they need to weigh the pros and cons and more importantly exactly what is important to them, just like we did. I enjoy the terrain, the consistancy of conditions, the lack of crowds, the people, and the whole quality of my experience there. I have no regrets about my time at Burke and in fact love every minute I am able to spend there. stomachdoc tell your friends to try some more weekends and think it over. Think snow!


New member
Sep 21, 2004
South of Boston, Burke Mt VT
6" yesterday, 3" more (of much needed snow) as of 3pm today and counting, 27 trails open.

Stomachdoc, I was up at a Burke over X,mas week. I was concern with the snow making also. I don't ever remember so little natural for that time of year at Burke. I asked staff about the snow making, they said basically that they wait for optimum conditions to blow snow (temp under 25 and low humidity). He said cause there was rain in the forecast for Sunday night (1/2/05) they weren’t making snow the Thurs, Fri, and Sat before.

The skiing was ok, it was the lack of terrain that concerned me. I met a young family that had just spent 2 days of skiing at Killington. It was their 1st time at Burke and they had a ball. They said even though there wasn’t much open, they really enjoyed the skiing. They said Killington’s trails were so crowded that they were worried about the safety of their children. I think they put a deposit on one of those Powderhorn Condos.



I asked staff about the snow making, they said basically that they wait for optimum conditions to blow snow (temp under 25 and low humidity). He said cause there was rain in the forecast for Sunday night (1/2/05) they weren’t making snow the Thurs, Fri, and Sat before.
That could be true because they either have limits on the water supply (either natural or state imposed), or they can't afford to pay the wages. If you have the water and staff, it would be better to keep your men and equipment working blowing snow no matter what the forecast.


New member
Jul 10, 2001
Ashland, NH
I find that last statement a bit flip. Try answering the question. On top of that it's spelled ridiculous
i find your disection of my post a bit flip. i stand by my statements as a fair evaluation and a sound answer to the post i answered. thanks for spell check mr. webster.


Sep 17, 2004
Wayland, MA
I certainly appreciate everyone's viewpoint. I think what attracts lots of people to Burke is that it's not crowded (OK, that's a bit of an oxymoron). And yes, I suppose that many folks will preferentially get off of 93 to ski at some of the NH resorts with bigger snow making systems and that those resorts will have more terrain open during seasons like this. However, after the past few days, it looks like Burke has caught up nicely in terms of open terrain.

Everything in life is a tradeoff...crowds vs. less open terrain during tough weather......

There's no right answer, just what's right for that person....


New member
Dec 18, 2003
Concord, NH
In all honesty, burke is one of the best mountains in new englad, you can jibber and jabber about a long drive, no snow making, slow lifts, and so forth, but if you are going some where to ski a continuous 1800 vertical feet of challenging and fun terrain you are not going to find it with such good snow elsewhere for a comparabable price. You can complain about other things, but what burke offers it does a great job at. If you don't like it don't ski there, the more snow for the people who ski because they want to ski, not because they want to dink around doing other things.


ps and beswift this is a forum where you can discuss what everyone says, but there is no point in trying to shoot holes in everything that everyone says... that just doesn't make sense, and pointing out that someone spelt something wrong, honestly grow up and stop trying to one up everyone


Staff member
Jun 4, 2004
NEK by Birth
Stomachdoc: I hate to say it, but after leaving the area last August, I have only been able to observe my home from afar. Burke has had a tough go this winter because of the bad weather, but so has everyone else. I was at Loon on Saturday and it was very icy. Burke has high overhead costs as it is and because the school is running the mtn, they don't have deep pockets and are being prudent. What has killed them in the past has been overspending money. They are being careful with what they have. They do draw water off of the Passumpsic River and they have good labor and coverage, but electricity costs in VT are EXCESSIVE (they do have rental power though). Who wants to blow snow to see it all melt? Not a good investment.

My advice for your friends: great mountain, REAL people, great skiing in an average year. We just have not had winter yet :roll: Besides, you can only get a small shack for the same price at other bigger mountains.

As for Beswift's Comments: I have explained why I am a devoted Burke man. Why be upset that people are talking about Burke? If you don't like this conversation then don't participate. :wink: I don't want to see this topic locked and I think that Greg agrees with me.