Date(s) Skied: 2/9/2007
Resort or Ski Area: Catamount - Hillsdale, NY
Conditions: Man-made packed powder, excellent coverage, temps around 15, winds up to 15 mph
Trip Report: I was on the chair by 9. I was chatting with a patroler and he said the Cat received 2 inches of the good stuff yesterday. He was bumbling about the conditions so I was pretty pumped up. From the chair everything looked to be in good shape. The base depths have increased, almost everything was groomed out, the seeded bumps had top coating and have been skied in nicely, and they left skier's right of Lower Glade ungroomed. Those two inches of fresh from yesterday are starting to turn into some nice natural bumps. No crowds early and the school groups rolled in around 2ish.
I took my first run down Upper/Lower Sidewinder. I'm really starting to like this trail. Good coverage, nice dips, and turns. Its a great trail to warm-up on. The only problem is that you don't have a chance to hit the bump run if you take it to the base. For the rest of the day I alternated between U. Sidewinder > Chute > Offstage, U. Alley Cat > Chute > Offstage, or U. and L. Glade > Offstage. Can you tell I wanted to end every run in the bumps? I only took 2 short breaks to warm my feet. It was quite cold and the wind chill didn't help any. I think the staff knew I was going to leave shortly. After my second break they quite nicely groomed out the top part of Offtage and the bail out area skier's right of the bump run. It made for some nice skiing down to practice in the bumps. I took my last run and wrapped things up at 2 pm. Yet another Friday where I skied until my legs started getting pissed at me. With each trip I appreciate the Cat more. No crowds, adding to the base, and a nicely maintained bump run.
Today's cool feeling was a quiet body in the bumps. I was only able to do it on about 3 runs. The feeling of a quiet upper body while you coast by 5 or 6 bumps is very cool. I usually drop-in for the last section of bumps on Offstage. I notice when I don't drop-in smoothly the rest of the run is crap. I find it tough to drop into the middle of a mogul field and have your body/skis in the right place to start a good run. Practice, practice, practice.
Catapult again
The rest are of, you guessed it, Offstage...
Resort or Ski Area: Catamount - Hillsdale, NY
Conditions: Man-made packed powder, excellent coverage, temps around 15, winds up to 15 mph
Trip Report: I was on the chair by 9. I was chatting with a patroler and he said the Cat received 2 inches of the good stuff yesterday. He was bumbling about the conditions so I was pretty pumped up. From the chair everything looked to be in good shape. The base depths have increased, almost everything was groomed out, the seeded bumps had top coating and have been skied in nicely, and they left skier's right of Lower Glade ungroomed. Those two inches of fresh from yesterday are starting to turn into some nice natural bumps. No crowds early and the school groups rolled in around 2ish.
I took my first run down Upper/Lower Sidewinder. I'm really starting to like this trail. Good coverage, nice dips, and turns. Its a great trail to warm-up on. The only problem is that you don't have a chance to hit the bump run if you take it to the base. For the rest of the day I alternated between U. Sidewinder > Chute > Offstage, U. Alley Cat > Chute > Offstage, or U. and L. Glade > Offstage. Can you tell I wanted to end every run in the bumps? I only took 2 short breaks to warm my feet. It was quite cold and the wind chill didn't help any. I think the staff knew I was going to leave shortly. After my second break they quite nicely groomed out the top part of Offtage and the bail out area skier's right of the bump run. It made for some nice skiing down to practice in the bumps. I took my last run and wrapped things up at 2 pm. Yet another Friday where I skied until my legs started getting pissed at me. With each trip I appreciate the Cat more. No crowds, adding to the base, and a nicely maintained bump run.
Today's cool feeling was a quiet body in the bumps. I was only able to do it on about 3 runs. The feeling of a quiet upper body while you coast by 5 or 6 bumps is very cool. I usually drop-in for the last section of bumps on Offstage. I notice when I don't drop-in smoothly the rest of the run is crap. I find it tough to drop into the middle of a mogul field and have your body/skis in the right place to start a good run. Practice, practice, practice.
Catapult again
The rest are of, you guessed it, Offstage...