New member
Lots of talk about green these days - hybrid cars, wind power, materials made from regenerating resources, corporate recycling programs, etc. While I think we'd all like to do our part, the economics don't always make sense or the issue isn't at the forefront of your mind when it comes to skiing. Here are some questions to consider:
When considering a ski area, will the area's green practices/policies have any impact on your choice (or will you choose the area you want to ski regardless)?
When choosing ski clothing, are you more likely to choose something with recycled fibers or from a source that regenerates well (bamboo/coconut/etc) or are will choose what you want regardless of how it's made?
When commuting to the ski area, will you carpool, take a bus or buy a hybrid vehichle? Is your answer any different than what you've done over the past few seasons?
If a ski shop offered a section of earth friendly products, would you gravitate towards that at all? If so, is it because you're interested in what would be available or is it because you would rather spend your $ on those types of goods over other, traditional goods?
Just wondering where we skiers fit in the good-for-the-earth spectrum.
When considering a ski area, will the area's green practices/policies have any impact on your choice (or will you choose the area you want to ski regardless)?
When choosing ski clothing, are you more likely to choose something with recycled fibers or from a source that regenerates well (bamboo/coconut/etc) or are will choose what you want regardless of how it's made?
When commuting to the ski area, will you carpool, take a bus or buy a hybrid vehichle? Is your answer any different than what you've done over the past few seasons?
If a ski shop offered a section of earth friendly products, would you gravitate towards that at all? If so, is it because you're interested in what would be available or is it because you would rather spend your $ on those types of goods over other, traditional goods?
Just wondering where we skiers fit in the good-for-the-earth spectrum.