My home hill treated me well this season. The big snowfall preserved what would have been a sketchy base into a killer spring.
The past 5 days have been a bumpfest. And the weather was amazing. Almost too warm. The snow is going very fast, almost before your eyes now. Still alot left.
Annapurna was my run of the week. Today was the end for it, but it was great while it lasted. Really everything was fantastic. And there was a seeded bump course on Ike too. Skied everything.
Made a late season adjustment after seeing pics of myself at Sugarloaf way in the back seat. Went to a longer pole, back to 48". Forces me to stand up much straighter. Made a HUGE difference in comfort and endurance. Feel great after 5 days of slush.
Get to Hunter soon while it lasts.
The past 5 days have been a bumpfest. And the weather was amazing. Almost too warm. The snow is going very fast, almost before your eyes now. Still alot left.
Annapurna was my run of the week. Today was the end for it, but it was great while it lasted. Really everything was fantastic. And there was a seeded bump course on Ike too. Skied everything.
Made a late season adjustment after seeing pics of myself at Sugarloaf way in the back seat. Went to a longer pole, back to 48". Forces me to stand up much straighter. Made a HUGE difference in comfort and endurance. Feel great after 5 days of slush.
Get to Hunter soon while it lasts.