"Vermont is projected to exceed targets for health care spending in 2020, indicating the state’s reform efforts may not be working as planned.
According to Lindberg, much of the projected 2020 increase for care across the health system comes from Medicare, publicly funded insurance for disabled patients and people over age 65. That portion of the population, which is often the sickest and requires costly end of life care, is the most expensive."
-- VTDigger, 13 December 2019
This is problematic with the aging demographics of the state, and younger workers choosing elsewhere.
Exactly. The huge problem is the demographics. You can't offer very large public benefits to a needy population WITHOUT a sustainable way to pay for it. In other words, you need a LARGER number of people paying into the system than drawing it down. 10 years ago I was telling people that the ONLY way to keep these programs was to have MORE younger working people come into the state. That advice was ignored and now they are feeling the repercussions. It is way easier to just kick the can down the road and to just nudge up the tax rate every year. And just like the last 10 or 15 years the legislature is off to the races talking about stuff that DOES NOT address this problem.