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2017: 318,674 Vermont personal income tax returns filed with 64,333 of them owing no tax. (Additionally, 52,047 out-of-state returns filed with 8,047 owing no tax.)
So about 300k people paying income tax, plus 64k people who live in Vermont and have income but do not pay any state income taxes (who presumably are participating in the economy with the untaxed income and paying other taxes). By my math, that's 364k taxpayers, which isn't quite as many as I'd expect (I do wonder how many are paying non-income taxes without filing a return), but it's still 11% more than 320k. It's still not a lot of shoulders to spread the burden for 14k miles of roads, 255 municipalities, and however many school districts.
I feel like there is more interesting info in that filing data, but I don't have the time to look at it right now.