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Killington - 5/7/06


New member
Sep 12, 2005
Dudley, MA
Date(s) Skied: May 7, 2006

Resort or Ski Area: Killington

Conditions: Corn, and more corn

Trip Report:

I, like Trailboss, was at the mighty K to witness firsthand the carnage Mother Natures hath wrought on our already dissapointing season.

The trip was planned in literally, 5 minutes tops. It went something like this- Marc emails Nate on Friday afternoon: Hey, want to go hike turns at Killington Sunday?; Nate: Sure; Marc: Want to drive up Saturday and camp to get an early start?

So we got the details out of the way first, as you can see. I got up too early on Saturday, and washed and waxed my car. I left Nate an IM early that morning to ask if he still wanted to go. I got the call around 11 am. While he gathered his ski and camping gear, I drove to my parents' to steal... err... borrow a cooler. Nate arrived at my pad around 5 pm. I dozed off mid afternoon I think. We threw his stuff in my Audi and took off.

We stopped in Holyoke to buy the essentials (beer, bugers, dogs, eggs, cheese, bread and ice) as we were in need of animal flesh to char on the Hibachi I brought along. We got back on the road and decided to pull off again in Brattleboro for some grub. We stopped at a pizza joint on Route 5 where we met some ecclectic characters and ate some good food. Among the locals staffing the establishment included "Super Bill" whose world records in backhand pushups, crunches, jumping jacks, frog hops and leg lifts made for some interesting listening. Has anyone else met this guy? Apparently he'll be on ESPN sometime in the next two weeks doing two finger pushups. It was one of the most random things either of us had experienced. We left satiated and puzzled.


We pulled into the main parking lot around 10:30 and set up camp in what we thought was a relatively hidden far corner of the lot. After bedding down around 11 and then hearing the Security vehicle drive by around 11:30 we realized we were wrong about the hidden part. They came around again around 6. I would like to take this time and use this space to thank those who decided not to kick us off their property. That would have been a major damper on the weekend.

So we arose at 6, and realizing we had no silverware except for a handy spatula, we drove down the access road around 7 am and resourcefully borrowed a couple forks from an undisclosed location. Nate fired up the camp stove and we cooked a scramble of egg, hot dog and cheddar cheese. We at it on hamburger buns. It was good. Nate displayed our highly advanced and expensive state of the art gear:


We packed up supplies and gear and started hiking around 9. We decided to hike up for turns on Cascade in the morning and then maybe a lap or two on Superstar after we ate some lunch. We hiked up an access road to the Canyon Quad and then climbed up Downdraft. It looked every bit as steep going up with only patches of slippery snow as it did this winter loaded with snow. A cool trail. We reached the Great Northern crossover after the painstaking slog and looked up at the summit. I said to Nate, and I could tell he was already thinking the same thing... "You know, we've come this far..." So fifteen minutes later we left our packs at the top of the gondola and headed up catwalk to the peak. Your author:


And compadre:


After staying on the peak for a couple windy and chilly minutes, and after I marked my territory over by the radio towers, we went back on down to the cascade trailhead. As we were arriving two tele's were gearing up for their first run, they were real cool guys.


The guy on the right owned a tele and randonee ski shop. We talked for quite a while and on several parts of the trail.

We booted up and made our first run probably around 11 am. The sun had softened up the exposed snow on Cascade. The trail consisted of two skiable patches. The first one was just under twice the size of the lower one. The were only separated by about 20 feet of hiking. After the first run we dumped our packs at the bottom of the first patch and hiked up a forming boot pack for seconds. I attempted some action shots of Nate on the second run but due to communication errors, missed. We hiked up again for a third run. Wanting some action shots, I told Nate to hike up about 100 feet of vertical to the nearest tower. After arguing with my new camera a bit, I got the shutter at 1/2000 s, the aperature was at f 8.0, and a simulated film speed of ISO 400. The snow definition could be better, but I'm pretty happy.
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New member
Sep 12, 2005
Dudley, MA
This is Nate... I guess he was happy... Go psycho much?


Nate slogging up the lower part of the trail:


Some action, Nate carving up the corn on Cascade with style:


Your auther slogging up with his improvised sling, which worked extremely well (just some webbing and a beiner):


Showing some that non-gapper form:


Nate volunteered to play photographer on the lower patch on Cascade again... we at first deemd this one trash, but you know... it's growing on me...


There was actually a third, and very short patch of skiable snow from the bottom of Cascade to underneath the Canyon Quad. It was narrow, and included a stream crossing:



We hiked back down to Base Camp I, packed up our stuff and drove to the bottom of Superstar. We broke out the Hibachi and burgers, and of course the Irish Stout, and toasted a great season, despite unfavorable weather conditions for much of it. After eating and relaxing a bit, Nate decided on a run down the lower part of Superstar. Being plagued with a horrible sore throat since the night before from some nasty post nasal drip, I opted to stay at the bottom and snap some final shots:



After a good long day, and some more chatting with more of our laid back ilk, and some back scratching for Otis the Golden Retriever, we packed up and headed out. The drive out was bittersweet... it was quite possibly the end of a great season, but thoughts turned to the possibilities of next season as we both further our interest and involvement and back country skiing and ski mountaineering.

To see all of the pictures (holy crap, there's more?) hit up this link.


New member
Sep 14, 2004
Great report, bout time you posted the pics. However, it just ain't right that another person from this board was also at K and you avoided him! :lol: Glad you had a good time! Thanks for the report and pics.


Staff member
Jun 4, 2004
NEK by Birth
Marc avoided me because I smelled.

Smelled after hiking that is.

They were on the other side of the mountain and I was content just having OL to myself. Loved the pitch.

Great report and pics. Will have to pay the Staties to kick your butt out of the parking lot next time :lol:


New member
Jan 31, 2006
Tolland, CT
Marc said:
This is Nate... I guess he was happy... Go psycho much?

~Only sometimes.

Whoever did the action shots of Marc should be dragged out and shot. Or at least taught to pan a camera again. Sheesh! heh hehhh...

Great write up, compadre! Man, I cannot wait until next season... I spent the last hour looking up gear that I want to puchase this summer. : )


New member
Jul 10, 2001
Ashland, NH
nice! glad to see folks getting out and enjoying turns... not letting the lifts dictate the legnth of the season. your picture of superstar shows similar coverage to when i was there last year on may 29th. man oh man did they cut back on snow making this year! weather permitting, i may drive down to kmart this coming sunday for a few turns. they have more snow than jay peak which i visited this past weekend.


New member
Sep 12, 2005
Dudley, MA
Bob R said:
Marc excellent report. One of the better ones I have seen all season. Question? are hotdogs really hiking food?

Thanks all, it was a real good time.

Bob- hotdogs are one of the major food groups. I can't believe you didn't realize how vital ground pig and beef parts in intestine casing is to a well balanced diet...

We actually ate a couple cold dogs at the top near the gondola. They were gooood.......