As I said in the other K-Mart post, I understand the anger, but venom only galvanizes the management in its decisionmaking and convinces them that some customers are just never going to be happy regardless, so why make an effort. Instead, the tact I would use would be, "look, from its inception until when ASC took over, Killington made a profit evey year except for its first. This was because Pres Smith had the "first to open, last to close" model and it worked" rather than yelling insults, posting Chris Nyberg's daughter's Email address for folks to use to harrass her as a way to get to her Dad, and showing a sense of entitlement. There's a reason why the management turns a deaf ear to some folks. I'm not defending what they have done, but I can see that they are probably definitely motivated not to open now that people are yelling at them and have resorted to attacks. If you were a business owner and your daughter got nastygrams from people she hadn't met, would you be rolling out the red carpet for those folks?