Legal or not, I am talking common courtesy. I can legally drive 25 in a 45, but I wouldn't, or if I was so inclined to do so I would pull over periodically allowing other drivers to pass. Ultimately though, I agree with what you are saying 100% and perhaps I should have been more specific. I certainly don't expect bicyclists to ride on the very edge, and certainly where safety becomes an issue, I have no problem with taking the lane. However, I occasionally encounter the cyclist that I could best describe as "thinking they are a car" and riding right down the middle of the road when there is no discernable reason to do so. Again, they are a very small minority of riders. I am pro biking, though a mt biker myself, but I do feel as though etiquite work both ways, as with everything in life.
Okay, now I completely agree with you after the clarification.