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New Skis for me!


Active member
Nov 26, 2007
Seacoast NH
Just pulled the trigger on some Surface Watch Lifes. 182 cm 132/100/122 with a 19.5 sidecut so should be a good 1 ski quiver for the East.
Was looking around for a while for something that could replace my beat up Scott Missions which I had 100+ days in over the past 4 yrs.
I didn't know much about Surface though they seem to be more popular out west.
Found a 2011 model on the-house.com for $265. I then applied a a discount code for an addl 5% off and got the skis + polarized sunglasses for $252 which seems like a nice buy.

I'm coming from the Missions which I loved but were slightly shorter (178 vs 182) and 89 mid waist vs 100. May take some getting used to but I'm sure I will like them.

Anyone have anything to say about the Watch Lifes or Surface skis in general?


Think Snow!