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outside mag ski flight website


New member
Jan 6, 2013
There are so many tools to finding the best flights/deal that it really can get complicated quick. I typically have my wife on one computer while I sit on another and we search for different arrival/departure patterns around the date we want to go that has the best value. The last few times I have found it is a lot cheaper to fly one way from one airline and one way back on another. For example I recently flew to Hawaii. Flights on all the search engines and major airlines were $1,200.00++ and above per person round trip. When I searched for one ways I was able to get the pattern I wanted from different airlines $800++per person round trip. Between my wife and I, saved roughly $800.00 dollars.

Second example My wife and I are heading to Park City at the end of Feb and we were able to find the same kind of deal saving another $600.00 by buying from different airlines and shifting our departure day by one. I work in hotels and was able to find a hotel room right next to the airport for $59.00 through our company discount program.

Bottom line the deals are out there you just have to work to find them.


Jan 28, 2009
New England
Airline pricing is such a pain. But, there are so many ways to game the system and maximize frequent flier miles (even if you never fly) and book travel using award tickets. Just booked a trip to Costa Rica for 4 using miles (total cost $200 in taxes). Went to Mt Hood last year using miles too. It doesn't take much to learn how to build up your miles bank.