Date(s) Skied: Sunday, December 5th, 2010
Resort or Ski Area: Ragged Mountain
Conditions: Loose Granular / Hardpack
Trip Report:
Was thinking of heading elsewhere today to ski a bit more terrain, but decided to hit the home mountain instead. As with last year the opening Top to Bottom run was Blueberry Patch > Chute > Village Green. The top was covered about 80% side to side, Village Green more like 30% due to how wide it is. I imagine it will be wall to wall by next weekend. The hardpack / loose granular service skied great with only a few small patches of skied off surface. Pretty quiet, only about 100 or so people there. I enjoyed that as you could really open it up as fast as you wanted today without having to dodge people.
Snowmaking was ongoing all day on the terrain park. This is a change from last year as they worked on getting several top to bottom runs open before working on the terrain park trail. Maybe park is a 'niche' they're trying to capture through improved focus. Hopefully they are able to work on other trails throughout out the week as skiing the one groomer gets a tad boring after ten or so runs. Terrain expansion was fairly slow last year. They claim to have increased their capacity by 30% and early season terrain expansion will be noticeably improved. We shall see
Resort or Ski Area: Ragged Mountain
Conditions: Loose Granular / Hardpack
Trip Report:
Was thinking of heading elsewhere today to ski a bit more terrain, but decided to hit the home mountain instead. As with last year the opening Top to Bottom run was Blueberry Patch > Chute > Village Green. The top was covered about 80% side to side, Village Green more like 30% due to how wide it is. I imagine it will be wall to wall by next weekend. The hardpack / loose granular service skied great with only a few small patches of skied off surface. Pretty quiet, only about 100 or so people there. I enjoyed that as you could really open it up as fast as you wanted today without having to dodge people.
Snowmaking was ongoing all day on the terrain park. This is a change from last year as they worked on getting several top to bottom runs open before working on the terrain park trail. Maybe park is a 'niche' they're trying to capture through improved focus. Hopefully they are able to work on other trails throughout out the week as skiing the one groomer gets a tad boring after ten or so runs. Terrain expansion was fairly slow last year. They claim to have increased their capacity by 30% and early season terrain expansion will be noticeably improved. We shall see