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I give you a lot of credit for posting this on a public forum...I also give Warren a lot of credit for being able to ski like he does at a young age when he has to work so hard to stay focused.Ok This is Mrs Loafer just so you know. Alot of you have already meet our son Warren but you may not know Warren is ADHD this is something we have told to ever ski insructor that he has had since he has been 5 this whole sititutain is out of control instead of going after the ski area why is he not suiing his own wife or in this case most likly exwife she was the one to drop him off late to begin with she never informed them of any of his child limits and being the parent of one of the "Speical Needs Children" I find that alot of these laws that are suppose to help these kids only reenforces the fact that they are diffent and gives them a excuse not to succeed. Warren know he have ADHD but he also nows that there are standards he needs to meet or he will no be in any group setting and if this child was so out of control that the one on one lesson was the only way to get though to him then they should be grateful not upset Warrens ADHD thats our deal if he can not control himself and he puts other kids in danger then he is removed his issue should not effect others because he will have to deal with this his entire life better learn now. I feel really sorry for this child they are setting him up to fail.