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Royal Mountain 03/04/18


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2010
Date(s) Skied: 03/04/18
Resort or Ski Area: Royal Mountain
Conditions: Deep Mank, Packed Mank
Trip Report:
I lucked out and happened to hit Platty Friday with my buddy Dick. He wanted to return again Saturday, and did, but I was toast. I opted to stay home and ski Greek. I was glad I did despite Greek some how only picking up 6" from the storm. Binghamton to the South got 10", Syracuse to the North got 17". It was an easy day of soft groomers. I did grab my rock skis after lunch and hit some natural trails. They skied surprisingly well due to the denseness of the snow, there was no base.

After my recovery day at Greek I was prepared to deal with Catskill post storm, post power outage mayhem. I waited to see where Dick wanted to go. He had had enough of the mob scene and much to my surprise, chose to ski Greek. I went downstairs and made breakfast leaving my phone in my bedroom. When I checked my messages I saw Dick had decided to ski Royal. Royal is Northeast of Utica, 100 miles from Binghamton. Unfortunately Dick had already hit the road. I drove up solo.

Neither of us had skied Royal before. They're a weekend only hill. And I do mean hill. 550 ft vert, and 50 of that is the bunny hill below the lodge. They lost power too and we're closed Saturday. They picked up 18" from the storm. We skied the trails in the morning, all 5, with Dick venturing into the trees here and there. I was on my daily drivers and opted not to for lack of width, and fear of base damage. The trails were dense packed powder. The snow was grabby, but skied well. Around 11 we broke for lunch. After lunch I grabbed my powder skis to venture off piste.

The "fresh" snow was interesting. The 18" had settled to a foot or so and was HEAVY, a little crusty on top too. It definitely wasn't powder. We coined it "old new snow". It was much more fun to ski than the packed snow on the trails. Dense enough to keep you off the ground, for the most part. It was a workout, and a little scary at times. No slarving in that cement. I don't think I could've skied it without my fat skis.

The glades between the trails at Royal we're awesome, or they would be on fresh snow with a base. Lots of rock ledges here and there. I will keep it on my radar for a possible return visit. Its closer than McCauley by 30 miles. Since its closed midweek, it could be a good place to hit after mid Winter weekday dumps. Lift tickets are reasonable at $45. It was a great three day weekend of skiing. Now back to work to rest up.

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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2006
Brooklyn, CT
Thanks for the flashback! Raced there a couple of times when I was in highschool ABOUT 30 YEARS AGO!!! God I feel old typing that!! LOL!

Great to see that cool little "hometown" style hill is still going!!