Well, I've been having a blast over the last few weeks, but today I'm debating on what to do. Wed, Thu, and Friday/Sat (midnight madness, 9pm-2am or so) I skied. Now it's Sunday afternoon, and I'm considering going out, but my left calf is still sore.
Guess I'm just worried about putting my not-so-in-shape body to much, and ruining ski fun in the future. If calves are sore, is it smart to go out? Or should I wait till it's not sore before pushing it again? I'm considering going up and just sticking to some of the not so steep green areas just to have some fun, and not go up top at Crotched, ideas? Comments?
Guess I'm just worried about putting my not-so-in-shape body to much, and ruining ski fun in the future. If calves are sore, is it smart to go out? Or should I wait till it's not sore before pushing it again? I'm considering going up and just sticking to some of the not so steep green areas just to have some fun, and not go up top at Crotched, ideas? Comments?