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You do realize the debt doubled under our friend George Bush right? The last time the national debt decreased as a percentage of our national GDP was under Clinton. Then we went to war with Iraq, Afghanistan, and cut taxes to the wealthy and BOOM $10 trillion of debt. Think that should have happened?
I don't want to get into a debt discussion. I don't think it should be there either, but how would you propose paying it down if we have to lower taxes because we're taking too much money from hard working bankers on wall street instead of letting them buy land from here to Chicago to build private fiber optic cables?
Yes a lot of our debt comes from social security, but we also spend an ENORMOUS amount on our military. Do you want to completely axe both?
We have programs in place that millions rely on in this country. You'll never be able to eliminate those programs, at least in the next few decades.
This is the reality of our country today. As I said, if you don't like it, leave. I'm willing to pay more to try and get us back on track.
I never said anything about the federal government OWNING money. Where did you get that from? I said the federal government has a general income tax pool
I talked about taxes the whole time. Taxes are real, hate to break it to you.
All you did was complain and be inflammatory. Come back again with some facts and something substantive about what you would do differently and we can talk.
What do you want to do if you don't want to "take" any more money from hardworking American citizens of any tax bracket? Shut down the government? That worked out real well.
Our country is in trouble, and its as much one party's fault as the other and blame isn't going to get us anywhere. I want to know what you want try DO about it. Not listen to you nit pick my language on the government's supposed possession of money. Use your little financial brain and let's TALK not condescend, come on, you can do it, I believe.
Fair points. Multiple administrations have essentially doubled our cumulative national debt during their watches in the recent past. Multiple congresses, with both parties in control have passed some irresponsible budgets that have enabled the debt to increase. As for the Clinton factor and his reduction in the debt, lets not forget that the budgets that he signed into place that enabled those reduction were written and passed by a republican congress, so it was a bi partisan effort that lead to that GOOD result.
Taxes - our tax code has become a joke, basically a series of regulations imposed by lobbyists to favor a certain group over another. The reality is it can't be fixed. The reality is it should be scrapped and restarted from square one with something like a simple flat tax or a consumption based tax, and if done properly, it realistically could be done in a few pages of text, not a few million!! I am a proponent of EVERYONE paying at least something. If you're paying into the system, you're likely to feel more ownership to the system and as such will be paying more attention. Additionally, this talk of certain people paying their "fair share" and that number is over 50% HAS to stop - when the government is "taking" more from you than you, that you EARNED, you completely remove the incentive to work harder and earn more, the same incentive that DOES drive so many, and as a result very often leads to the expansion of the economy and as such increases in tax collections. Just because one person thinks that another is making more money than they need, or should have, doesn't mean that the person making that money feels the same way.
In the end, all a tax really is is the government taking money that you earned and then "spending" it in a way that they see fit. A tax increase is the government taking more of what you earn to spend in a way that they see fit. A tax cut is the government letting you keep more of what you earned, money that the government NEVER had in the 1st place. Taxes are a necessary "evil" and they can and have been used in the past, present and future for many good, beneficial things for the country. When taxes are being used, or threatened to be used as, a "weapon" that put one group of society against another, that is a HUGE issue. That is a situation that is becoming far too much of a reality today. That isn't a good thing