Non-residential tax rates are fixed. Not necessarily higher than residential.
Final Education tax rates are set by the town, mine below:
Town Homestead Nonresidential
Westfield 1.5636 1.5338
Thanks all for additional info, it is appreciated.
First, let me say I have no issue paying town and school taxes for my primary residence wherever that may be. My 3 sons have/are received/getting an excellent education at our public high school here (Arlington CSD in my case). I would not consider sending them to any other school system I have been so pleased. That includes any private/prep school.
But because of Act 60, I cannot consider VT as a second home location. And I have read nothing in these helpful responses that would make me feel otherwise.
If we decide to sell our NY home that would change my opinion, but as of today my home is pretty much paid off and we would like to keep the property for our sons if one of them decides to live in NY. As unlikely as that seems now, who knows.
One thought is to set up an irrevocable trust and to put the property in their name. That is the only way I can see to justify going to VT but then the issue of NY property taxes becomes my sons' issue and I don't want to burden them with that unless one of them actually lives here.
I know, serious first world issues.