Beautiful day at Sundown today. Saw a few of the crew around at various points today. The word on the street was that the moguls were still pretty firm despite the warm weather today. After my shift I just had to check it out for myself, at the worst possible time... I managed to get out just as the sun was going down, dropping the temperature and flash freezing anything that may have softened up during the day. Combine that with the flat light at that time of day and I had a slightly less than awesome time. The first run down Temptor wasn't too bad, still some light to see at least. After that it was kind of like skiing by feel, even the push piles on the groomed trail were interesting when you couldn't see them until you were on top of them, with the dropping temps they were solidifying pretty nicely too. Anyway I took 3 runs down Temptor, with varying degrees of gaperness, and then had the bright idea to head down gunny for my last run. After that I was done.
One pic of the left line on Temptor:
One pic of the left line on Temptor: