Active member
Re woods: Monday's very dense 4-6" really helped. It was also not an elevation snowfall and Steins got as much as Ripcord. Did some trees at CR (hiked) and off HG and CR on Tuesday, but really the lower angle woods were better and you did not find as much shwack. One note; MRG's woods are trimmed each year whereas SB's, being GMNF, are not - it makes a difference. Remember that some natural trails like Tumbler and Cliffs only just reopened due to base depth, though in comparison, Lower Birdland is covered.
Yesterday was particularly nice under blue skies and Ripcord had been groomed. Guns running all day on Steins, SF, and Snowball.
Conditions are very good considering how little snow we've had. Day 50 for me.
Yesterday was particularly nice under blue skies and Ripcord had been groomed. Guns running all day on Steins, SF, and Snowball.
Conditions are very good considering how little snow we've had. Day 50 for me.