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We'll see how things progress as the season goes along but it feels more "corporatety" up there now. Not to be unexpected I guess with all the turnover.
It was for Outdoor Gear employees. They have done this before.It’s for employees only…
Someone did not unload correctly at the top and caused a misalignment in the haul rope. Yup, they are setting up to go down to the base once temps come in again late tomorrow.Indeed. Looks like they are having an impromptu lift ops staff meeting to figure it out. Also looks like they are about to go all in on Lower Downspout/Jester to the base.
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One of my favorite stores in the world. It's so hard to find a store where the employees have expertise around the products they sell. OGE is a champ in that area.It was for Outdoor Gear employees. They have fine this before.
Soft turns made for excellent testing conditions today!!! tomorrow not so!!!!What we’re they demoing? Clothing ? Helmets ?
Tough to get a reading on ski responsiveness with the surface the way it is ..
Someone did not unload correctly at the top and caused a misalignment in the haul rope. Yup, they are setting up to go down to the base once temps come in again late tomorrow.
First time for me too.I've heard of guest interactions accidently doing that on surface lifts but never on a modern chairlift!
Gondolier is the entrance and exit to the vehicle maintenance area where groomers and snowmobiles are kept and repaired, so it is good to get this done as soon as possible. Also this provides the best route to GH area so one does not have to ski around Bravo coral. I think the next movement will be to Domino Chute, Middle Jester and Lower Organgrinder. You can see land gear set up on Jester already and Lower Grinder has the HKD towers.Looked on their website and it looks like they are blowing snow on the lower downspout route to the bottom. This is sure happy news for everyone. The one criticism I have, why are the blowing on both Coffee and gondolier runs. How much more snow making does it take to cover Domino, lower OG to lower Jester. instead on Gondolier? Gondolier has to be wider and longer the lower OG. Plus they will have the down hill route using Coffee run. Anyone thoughts?
802 Burritto opened last weekend. ME is scheduled to open next weekend. There is a ribbon cutting for VASS addition on Friday 12/17. I believe Wunderbar is scheduled for next weekend too, but I have not asked. Will do next time I am up at the Mtn.Just looked and no update on when more food and bars are opening like Wunderbar, burrito place and nomad coffee. I hope they are are opening soon. And very quiet on Mt Ellen opening- is that on track for next weekend?
Mt Ellen gets a Miso Hungry this seasonJust looked and no update on when more food and bars are opening like Wunderbar, burrito place and nomad coffee. I hope they are are opening soon. And very quiet on Mt Ellen opening- is that on track for next weekend?
My sympathy to their ops team for being stuck with the boat anchor Snowlogics.Indeed. Looks like they are having an impromptu lift ops staff meeting to figure it out. Also looks like they are about to go all in on Lower Downspout/Jester to the base.
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My sympathy to their ops team for being stuck with the boat anchor Snowlogics.
snowlogics are the absolute worst snow guns I have ever had the pleasure of skiing on. The funky whale shapes they make almost killed me on South Bowl at Mount Snow years ago. Shitty to ski under, and shitty quality. I remember K tried putting them on Outer Limits for a season and there was a revolt amongst the passholders.