I skied all those trails first thing and found the guns running well. A tip is to ski under the towers rather than the middle of trail when the towers are blowing snow. It is often the best snow. Looking at mountain late afternoon from home it seems GMP may have called a full curtailment, meaning snowmaking has to be shut off for three hours. But more than three hours are lost due to shutting down and starting up. GMP is likely projecting this as the coldest night on the foreseeable future. Shady can tell you how much we hated curtailments. Losing hours of snowmaking in these ideal conditions ( cold and calm) is very frustrating. As said slatham said, I would guess the plan would be to finish GH trail including Sunrise and then move to Birdland, Murphy’s. Lower Snowball and Racer’s Edge would be important for MLK. Stein‘s (while a favorite of mine) is likely the last priority.