That’s old school thinking. Do some research on these. These are totally daily drivers for east coast woods. slap a pair of cast p18’s on there and you got topnotch go anywhere ski setup.
And, no shit. The eastern rocks will not touch these fucking skis. If you’ve seen the shit that I’ve been skiing over for the past month you think my skis would be beat to shit. Hardly a scratch on them.
Old school thinking to not go with a 108 as an EC daily?
Somebody needs to tell that to the engineers designing skis then. And be prepared to get laughed at.
The vast majority of people on the EC are on skis way too wide. Call it aspirational conditions ski choice, vs realistic conditions ski choice. All things being equal, you are giving up a massive amount of edge to edge quickness going with a 108 over something in the 85-95 range.
At its most basic level, tree skiing is not too different than bump skiing in terms of technique. Hell most of the winter, except for a day or two after a storm, it's exactly the same. EC glades are basically mogul trails with trees.
How wide are bump skis? Some of the most narrow skis on the market. There's a performance reason for that. I read and hear people asking all the time how to improve their tree skiing skills. Most of the time, going with a narrower, more responsive ski is all that's needed to make a massive improvement.