Hello all - Welcome to the new AlpineZone.com Message Forums! These new forums are being run locally from AlpineZone.com and have many more features than the original message boards, including post/view counts, smilies, special formatting code, etc. The original forums were remotely hosted by Everyone.net, and with the addition of rather intrusive popup ads, we've decided to develop this new forum system and run it directly from AlpineZone.com.
You can help make these new message forums a success! How, you ask? Well, take five minutes and post some messages! I've already carried over some of the more popular topics from the original message boards to get us started. Feel free to reply to those topics or create some new ones of your own. You can certainly post "anonymously" by leaving the username and password field blank, but we encourage everyone to register. That way your posts are associated with you and your post count can begin. Click the "Register" link above to register. You can set up your profile and preferences.
If anyone would like to be involved with the planning, design, setup, and promotion of these new boards, please contact me at contact@alpinezone.com. Together we can make the AlpineZone.com Message Forums the best board on the Web for discussing New England mountain adventure! Thanks for your help!
Greg, you were such a dork back in the day. ;-)
holy christ greg. where's Ogre when you need him.....:lol: