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Stolen Snowboard


New member
Feb 16, 2005
Ditto on the...

...that sucks comments. I agree that hopefully some negative Karma will pay back that jerk.

When my wife learned of the theft spree, she duct taped me to a pair of boards, put me in the racks at Stowe, and prayed I would get stolen. I've been in the doghouse lately....no felonies, just a spree of marital misdemeanors that have taken her to the edge. Guess I need to break out the foot massage peace pipe...

If I ever win the lottery I'll establish a foundation that replaces stolen gear. Just this year I indelible inked my clothes and gear for me and my boys. Right there above my toe-pieces, below my heel pieces, and under foot on my boards.


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2003
I am sorry to hear that. I show no sympathy to people who steal. Write your name on your skis or whatever you ahve to do. After many years of skiing I have never had a pair of skis or anything else for that matter stolen from me. Te trick is to keep the skis on your feet. Here are some simple steps:
1-Put on Boots
2-Put on skis
3-Get on lift
4-Get off lift
5-Ski on trail
6-Repeat steps 3-5 many times
7-Take off skis
8-Take off boots
9-Put both in car and driveaway.
I have yet to lose anything through this method(as pointed out including $10 for a slice of pizza).


New member
Nov 10, 2005
Truro, Nova Scotia
eatskisleep said:
I am sorry to hear that. I show no sympathy to people who steal. Write your name on your skis or whatever you ahve to do. After many years of skiing I have never had a pair of skis or anything else for that matter stolen from me. Te trick is to keep the skis on your feet. Here are some simple steps:
1-Put on Boots
2-Put on skis
3-Get on lift
4-Get off lift
5-Ski on trail
6-Repeat steps 3-5 many times
7-Take off skis
8-Take off boots
9-Put both in car and driveaway.
I have yet to lose anything through this method.

You're a ski resorts worst nightmare. Someone who skis. No extra profits from $12 hamburgers or $6 beer(s). You do realize you throw the whole gross profit per customer ratio out of wack ?!?? lol :lol:


New member
Feb 8, 2005
sorry to hear you had your stuff stolen.

in the beginning when I bought my first pair of skis I was so proud and paranoid. i would lock them up when ever i left them on the rack. i;ve gotten more complacent over the years. given the miles i have put on my skis and the wear and tear, i feel I have paid for them many times over. besides, the equipment you have now will not be what you are riding on a few years from now.

nowadays, what I ride on is so beat up that if someone wants to steal my skis surrounded by all the expensive stuff, it;s going to happen.

usually, if I am taking a break, i prefer it to be at an upper or mid mountain lodge. less of a chance someone will walk away with it straight to a parking lot. if someone decides they want to ride on my skis from the top of the mountain, well I hope they break their knees then.

of course if I am at the base area i still find myself going over to check the rack for my skis just in case.


Active member
Feb 6, 2005
Long Island, NY
It always seems to me that I'm the only one locking up my skis. I'm always a bit embarrased to do it. I feel it's like "you can take the man out of New York City, but not New York City out of the man." I guess this justifies my actions. The few times I haven't locked my skis up, I could never relax.

Sorry to hear about that man. It really stinks that there are buzzkills out there on the mountain.


New member
Oct 30, 2005
Thanks for all the replies! Yeah..I'm gonna keep my eye out on e-bay for a while but I'm pretty sure I'm just SOL. :angry: As for the insurance deal, we don't have any. We are just renting a house right now down the hill from the mountain and decided to skip on renters insurance. I also heard nightmare stories about submitting claims before as well. Oh well..enough crying. Time to break out the emergency credit card!!
Oh yeah..I was at Saddleback,ME.