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Beware of Northeast Skiology

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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2006
Brooklyn, CT
Just putting an FYI out to this group. The social media feeds run by skiology Matt (who isn't by degree a meteorologist- but I will admit does a weather analysis on par with most average pay for info ski weather sites) isn't a ski resort insider, regardless of the insinuations he makes. So do your financial supporting of his site with some skepticism and a grain of salt.

Since as a person who has contributed in the 3 figures to his site over the last year or so found out this week that if you choose to be part of a social media group that questions anything he says (Northeast Clownology) on FB, that he will direct messenge you threatening to ban you from his site) and then apparently trying to post to his site that Killington passed FIS snow control for this year's WC cup races, when he speculated on his site a day before that his weather thoughts didn't think it would happen, was agregious enough for him to ban me from his FB group, it will happen to you too...)

Additionally you are never allowed to have your own critically thinking ideas about anything COVID, as he apparently is incapable of considering a thought process anything other that Dr Fauci's whom as most anyone now should be able to see should be brought into question!


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2006
Brooklyn, CT
Truthfully if you choose to follow or support him you are supporting someone who based on almost 20 years of industry contact friends they give likes to my criticism of him, and isn't a meteorologist (regardless of the impression he gives before eventually admitting he only took 1 semester of meteorology in college), so he isn't the "cool kid" or knows all the stuff he claims to insider wise short of some Indy pass stuff, since he is on their payroll.

And for full disclosure to give back to the kids competition programs at Mount Snow (which has been my home resort for close to 20 yrs and have been a 2nd home owner at for 15yrs), as of about a month ago, I am now an employee of the events staff at Mount Snow, who put on all the races each season!


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2015
I'm amazed it took this long to finally have a thread about this topic.


Active member
Mar 20, 2013
Know a free source that provides better insight into weather issues relevant to NE skiers than he does? Meteorologist or no he has provided me with good predictions, insight and information.

I do feel his extreme Vail bashing gets old.
An issue on this site too.


Well-known member
May 19, 2007
North River, NY
We all have handicaps.

Rebecca and Matt have one thing in common. Both are right all the time, and invest significant energy working to prove it. When a prediction doesn't verify, there is a migration. It doesn't diminish the quality of what they do, but it is tiresome. One difference not too hard to see, Matt is a leftie, Rebecca a rightie, politically. IMO some of what he is doing — the weather, which is only a portion of it — is valuable, if somewhat vexing.

I had also contributed money in the past, but haven't recently. Like some others, I was put off by last winter by the whole "I can ski Vermont because I am media" thing. True or not, IMO it really added to the tension of that moment.

I try to speak my piece over there, without getting banned.
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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2012
While he does provide some useful weather insight, especially if you don’t know much about the weather (obviously not the case for this crew), he gets over his skis when he gets into ski area ops etc. Or at least he has in a few cases where I knew the facts and he was off base but speaking as an authority on the matter.

On the World Cup, I just don’t know where he was getting his information from and in hindsight it’s obvious he was just making a prediction based on no actual knowledge, without any caveats that he didn’t have any true knowledge of the situation (ex. He thought the trail needed to be completed,fully race ready, including injecting the course with water {probably not needed with the glop they’ve been making}, before positive snow control). And like Dr Jeff, dismissing my prediction he’d be wrong and they’d get positive snow control on Wednesday, and continue making snow thereafter. And then of course does not acknowledging that (for once!!) I got it right LOL.......

Banning you from the site might be a blessing.....
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Active member
Oct 2, 2017
Truthfully if you choose to follow or support him you are supporting someone who based on almost 20 years of industry contact friends they give likes to my criticism of him, and isn't a meteorologist (regardless of the impression he gives before eventually admitting he only took 1 semester of meteorology in college), so he isn't the "cool kid" or knows all the stuff he claims to insider wise short of some Indy pass stuff, since he is on their payroll.

And for full disclosure to give back to the kids competition programs at Mount Snow (which has been my home resort for close to 20 yrs and have been a 2nd home owner at for 15yrs), as of about a month ago, I am now an employee of the events staff at Mount Snow, who put on all the races each season!
You either avoid Rule #5 ( I think ) in Rules for Radicals -' if you can't debate on merits/facts/etc. then ridicule. '; or you get banned. At least banning tells you that like most banning of free speech, well, flack is always heaviest over the target. I'm a bit of a weather buff but have seen no need to pay for info when there are live radar shots and so many sites that offer predictions that are no less accurate. Was a kid when Don Kent predicted 2" in the Blizzard of '78 - 4' later - it was the end of his career. . . . .


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2015
We all have handicaps.

Rebecca and Matt have one thing in common. Both are right all the time, and invest significant energy working to prove it. When a prediction doesn't verify, there is a migration. It doesn't diminish the quality of what they do, but it is tiresome. One difference not too hard to see, Matt is a leftie, Rebecca a rightie, politically. IMO what some of what he is doing — the weather, which is only a portion of it — is valuable if somewhat vexing.

I had also contributed money in the past, but haven't recently. Like some others, I was put off by last winter by the whole "I can ski Vermont because I am media" thing. True or not, IMO it really added to the tension of that moment.

I try to speak my piece over there, without getting banned.

His ego is huge. The fact that he was pushing extremely hard about how important it was that everyone follow the rules last year but then went on to say they didn't apply to him because he's "media" was ridiculous. VT Ski and Ride I think it was called him out on it in an article and he flipped out.

I also can't stand when he criticizes NWS about being "slow" to update forecasts and things like that. NWS is comprised of professionals. They update forecasts at set intervals. They don't make an update every time a single model shows something new.

It also drives me nuts how he is "always" right. He's made comments about Sugarbush operationally on things he thought they would do in the past and I've told him he's wrong and he continued to insist his prediction for what they would do would be accurate (of course it wasn't...and I figured if I went back and posted "I told you so" that I'd be banned knowing how fragile he is). You could probably count on one hand the number of times he's been to Sugarbush, yet somehow he thinks he knows more than a long-time season passholder that skis there all the time.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2015
Wait, people give that guy money? Seriously?
Yup....there's many people that seem to worship the ground this guy walks on and kiss his ass. He even sells merchandise now which people also buy (shirts, stickers, etc).


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2013
Hudson NH
Never heard of this guy.
Really ? He was the Douche that sent people around harassing ski areas that were still open when Covid hit the fan. his whack a do followers were threatening ski area employees and video taping the parking lots on the day everything got shut down


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2006
Newmarket, NH
Me neither, except for the bitching around here.

I think if you aren't in the metaverse or on the facebook there is a whole lot of stupid shit like this that you don't get to hear about.
I do miss stuff not being on Facebook for sure.
Really ? He was the Douche that sent people around harassing ski areas that were still open when Covid hit the fan. his whack a do followers were threatening ski area employees and video taping the parking lots on the day everything got shut down
Didn’t know about any of that either. Surprised he’s not a member here, or maybe he has been.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2008
Lower Hudson Valley
Since as a person who has contributed in the 3 figures to his site over the last year or so found out this week that if you choose to be part of a social media group that questions anything he says (Northeast Clownology) on FB, that he will direct messenge you threatening to ban you from his site) and then apparently trying to post to his site that Killington passed FIS snow control for this year's WC cup races, when he speculated on his site a day before that his weather thoughts didn't think it would happen, was agregious enough for him to ban me from his FB group, it will happen to you too...)
I confess I don't quite understand the rational of "contributing" money to a private commercial enterprise. (Many web site and blogs falls into that category)

I only donates to non-profits. Web sites, blogs, FB personalities, on the other hand, the owners are in it to make a profit. I feel it should stand on their own without a continuous stream of free money. I would loan someone money if I believe in the commercial prospect, or pay a subscription if I find the product indispensable. But never give free money to an enterprise that aims to make a profit. The free money just encourages poor financial discipline.

When a site/blog owner bans posters who contradict them, it's a clear sign the owner aren't running it as a commercial enterprise, but as a venue to get their ego stroked. The last thing they should get is money! They should pay for that ego stoking.

Leave that for their worshipers. It's the new church, for those who believe in it.
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