Active member
Time to start this thread up! Getting closer. :beer:

Here is list of often mentioned deals - some may not exist any longer like the Geigerig Pack Special.
Watch The Clymb for Geigerig Pack Special - http://www.geigerrig.com/hydration-pack/
Ski Club Days - join a ski club in CT - http://www.skiclub.com/Default.aspx?uc=JoinAClub last years deals http://www.skiclub.com/documents/AW1314.pdf
Vermont Ski Pass (October 1 sells out quickly) - http://www.skivermont.com
Vermont Travel Club Card - http://www.vermonttravelclub.com/
Gas station fillup deal - http://www.SkiRideFree.com and Irving does something similar
Two fer deal tour dates every Saturday plus numerous other discounts (pre-order around August) - http://www.RideandskiNE.com
Mad Card 3 tickets for something like $144 - http://www.madriverglen.com/?Page=price.htm
Ski Movie Premiers - lift ticket w movie, however not all are so.
Skiing discounts - http://www.Mountainsportclub.com
St Pat's, Valentives Day, Super Bowl Sunday, April Fools Day - Someone will post a list I am sure.
PointFM - get a button for cheap Friday skiing (not available 2014-15) - http://www.pointfm.com/
Over the Hill Gang - If your 50+ - more of a West play - http://www.othgi.com
Killington - Late Season 4 Play $199 http://www.killington.com/site/tickets/winter_passes/spring_pass
Killington - K57 (number will be different) advanced purchase lift tickets
Killington - Express Pass with 50% off midweek and 25% off on holidays and weekends plus after every 6 uses you get a free day - free for veterans. Price generally discounted preseason.
Killington - early season 2 fer's by signing up for killiington news letter around August
Sites to monitor - http://www.Liftopia.com and http://www.Groupon.com
Get a $5 credit voucher for Liftopia (Still works but i would check it later in the summer since the voucher may be for 2014-15 at this time) - http://echo3.bluehornet.com/phase2/survey1/survey.htm?cid=ksrhxa&1331059336
Try to score comp tickets at the Boston Ski and Snowboard Expo (getting harder to do) - http://skisnowboardexpo.com/expos/boston/
Look for resorts that have good Sunday half day deals like Okemo ($29 VT/NH), Burke ($25), Bretton Woods ($25) etc. Will post more about this later.
Price Chopper Ski Any 3 (not available in 2014-15 season) - http://pricechopperblog.com/tag/ski-any-3/
2 fer deals to Attitash, Loon, Cranmore, Black, and more plus summer attractions too - http://www.breathenh.org/the-fun-pass-coupons-discounts-deals
Sugarbush Quad Pak - http://www.sugarbush.com/vermont-skiing-snowboarding/quad-pack
Great deals on packaged ski vacations - http://greateventsandescapes.com/ski/index.html
Fox 44 Ski Card (quickly sold out in October) - http://wfff.halfoffdeals.com/index.php?index_type=promo-detail&h=2070863
Gunstock 2 for 1 Tuesday Nights - Will probably be around $17 per person in 2014-2015
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