Well-known member
I absolutely see the logic in giving young professionals a price break and charging them less than kids. It keeps people in the sport so that they in turn introduce their own kids to the sport.
Those deals didn't exist when I was that age. I have numerous friends from high school who left the sport because they were priced out in that stage of their life. They got out of college, had loan debt, moved to high rent areas with better opportunity, but starting career pay and there just wasn't the money left over for skiing. Some of them ended up moving south seeing little point in sticking around for winters without a winter sport. They will never kick on skis again. Their kids won't either.
Many parents who are at an age with teenage kids are at an income level where they can afford to pay premium prices for their kids much more than a college graduate can afford to pay for themself at typical adult pass pricing. That's why the prices are structured how they are.
Let's save this post for a few years from now when your child (or maybe children then, who knows