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9/17-9/18 - SKIING in MY FACE


Staff member
Mar 6, 2005
Southeast NH
This is long, but it was very cool, read it and live it vicariously through me


5:30ish: Leave Manchester, NH en route to Quechee, VT for business, specifically to spend today (9/18) with the two reps for the state's distributor of my product meeting their customers.

6:15ish: Drive past the exit for Mt. Sunapee....place I had a bluebird late April day this year courteous of 'powbmps' sending me a free voucher in the mail

6:30ish: Drive past the exit that leads to the now defunct King Ridge. This was our first place, just the three of us when I was 9 going up to the 'Big Mountains' :lol: of NH.

6:45ish: Drive past Whaleback...skied there in High School several times

7:15ish: Roll into Quechee at dusk/twilight seeing the slopes of the small hill in the distance

---Have a great night with my brother, talking about youth memories of Vermont, life, good only two brothers stuff


8:00 am - Depart Quechee to meet my business partners at the parking lot of Sunrise access for Killington. BEAUTIFUL morning, 50 degrees sunny, drinking coffee then glimpses of Killington start poking out in all it's different angles along route 4. The whole way, I'm listening to VPR and their talking about how it's going to get down into the 20's tonight and VPR rules as it is, you all might not notice, but for filler music between breaks it's quite common that they play the Grateful Dead or Phish :grin:

8:45 am - arrive at Sunrise parking lot. We were an Okemo family, but in the early and late season skied Killington 8 or so days early and late season and this is where we parked.

9:00am - head south on 100, pass Bear Creek, never skied it, road my bike by it every summer for five years as a kid when it was the defunk Round Top

9:15 - drive past the road that my family had a ski house on for 15 years

9:17 - powerlines across from the Green Mountain Sugar Shack....after Okemo closed when there was good snow a half mile up the ridge on the right side of the road, under the power lines there's a 15 foot huck......into basically a flat landing that you can't ski out of....but me and my friends would launch it whenever we could pretending we were Scott Schmitt or Glen Black after watching Blizzard of Ahs and my folks place down the road. Extreme skiing baby :lol:

9:19: Round the bend, Okemo comes into view....the place I've skied more than any other...some 600 times as a kid...head through town south

10:00: Roll into Loundonderry for our first meeting....see Magic in the distance, the red line, think about all the killer TR's and videos from Azers skiing there this winter

11:00 meeting at Verde restaurant Stratton Village looking up at the Gondola running....trying to talk to a chef, 100 yards from ski lifts, pretty much drooling on myself :lol:

Lunch: Drive to Manchester for lunch, killer views of Bromley in the distance along the way

1:00 - head to the Equinox Resort with Mt. Equinox in the distance. Whenever we drove over that way, I always looked up at that mountain as the PERFECT mountain for a ski area, it's amazing. Well, in the past couple years there was a fairly massive mudslide taking out a swath probably 50 feet across for the top 300 vert which is quite steep. Looks like amazing BC

3:00: Leave Manchester to head back towards Killington via Rutland.....take in Pico around 4:30 coming up route 4....a place a loved as a kid, haven't skied at for 20 years and have two tickets too this winter :daffy:

.....drive past Killington, then the Skyeship, then Bear Mountainget my car at Sunrise and pass Quechee, Whaleback, King Ridge[/b] and Sunapee experiences again as I head home.

......if Betty Ford had a ski addict clinic, I would've checked myself in tonight. Talk about torture for anyone dying to ski



Staff member
Mar 6, 2005
Southeast NH
Driving past 18 places that have fond skiing memories for me in less than 24 hours with the temperatures dropping was borderline torture :lol:

Warp Daddy

Active member
Jan 12, 2006
NNY St Lawrence River
AWESOME !!! Just got back Mondayfrom a similar excursion

I make a similar drive twice a year when visiting family in Greater metro Boston . Instead of going the fast way we detour thru the Dacks past the St Lawrence University Snowbowl ( defunct ) , Big Tupper Now defunct , , Indian Lake town ski hill, Gore MTn , West Mtn stay overnite then over 149 to 4 in VT thru the Kedron valley past Pico , Kton, Suicide 6 in Queechee , the pick up 89 @White River and pass all those u mentioned off 89 -------------Whaleback , Sunapee, King Ridge and in the distant view Pats Peak not sure if one can see Ragged from 89 or not but that's near it

YEP retirement is great for SLOOOWWW rides thru the Dacks , Greeens , Whites etc and stop @great antique stores and Man the CHEESE stores and Pumpkin Walnut pancakes are to die for -- yep teh livin is easy

Took my first side trip thru 100 earlier this year a real treat seeing Da Bush and the scenic waterfall a bit south of there


Staff member
Aug 30, 2004
Torrington, CT
Cool story! You're almost making me want to redo our road trip from last fall when we drove up rt. 7 into VT, then cut across 11 to 103 to 91 south back home. All in all we drove by Sundown (I think we swung by there first, but I could be mistaken), Otis Ridge, Butternut, Jiminy (stopped in for a little break), Brodie, Bromely, and Magic. I almost took a detour to Snow and we were close to Okemo. All this started out as a Sunday drive with our 5ish month old and 2.5ish year old. The little one wasn't too happy during the return portion of the trip. I guess that's a long time for a little one to be stuck in the car.... ;)


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2005
Somewhere Outside
Great read DH, welcome back to Vermont.................I go through these scenarios all the time. I've come all the way down 100 from Stowe when I'm up there in the summer just to drive by all the hills and relive some of the memories. Another take on this is hiking on some of the mountains. I've done Bromley, Okemo, Killington, Stowe, and spend at least four days at Mt. Snow every summer. I make it a point to hit my favorite trails, usually glades, and visualize the lines I'll be taking in the coming winter, and relive some of the great ones of the past. It is a sickness but I don't want detox.............................hell, my favorite shirt on the Beach is my "It's all about skiing" T-shirt!
Stoke definitely increasing..........................
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