Well-known member
I don't have the talent or the time to do work on my cars...and on newer models there's a lot more to know. Only thing I can do is consult the internet mechanic before I go to the shop/dealer so that I'm not completely clueless.
Also, I've had good and bad experiences at shops and dealers. Main complaint I have at dealers is that they charge too much...but for certain types of problems one needs specific make/model expertise so they are the best option.
I own the USB diag cable and software for my VW GTI. I had the CD-ROM shop manual for my last GTI when it went off warranty. I keep an eye on the fault codes and do a scan before every oil change.
It's a poor use of my time to work on the car myself these days even though I know how. Back in high school, college, and the first year I worked, I did all my own work on my car out of economic necessity. Clutch, brakes, carb rebuilds, all the tune-up stuff like ignition timing, dwell, valve lifter clearance... I was really good with a ballpeen hammer and pop rivets fixing rust.