Well-known member
I strongly disagree with this. There is one dead month in each shoulder season, but I've found the place to be reasonable busy during summer and most fall week-ends.
We definitely disagree. First, weekends are only two days out of seven. Second, I have been there on summer weekends when we leave an hour before closing and we are the very last people in the park.
Just looking at admissions may not be that accurate. Our family pass is $250 and is good for just short of seven months. Even if we go just ten times in those seven months, we've only paid just $6.25 per person per visit. On a typical summer weekend we recognize a lot of same faces, which suggests that many people are there on summer passes.
Just the cost of pumping all of that water must be massive. And there are a ton of lifeguards and other staff. That place is not cheap to run.
On the other hand, I definitely agree that the place is hopping in the winter.