New member
Date(s) Skied: 3/20/2010
Resort or Ski Area: Blue Mountain
Conditions: Sunny springtime conditions
Trip Report: What an awesome day at Blue Mountain today. I pulled into the lower lot at 7:35 am. At 7:40 am AtomicSkier and I were starting the day off with a nice cold beer. Next thing you know, I've got 3 in me before 9:30 thanks to my beer bottle pockets. :beer: Such nice skiing all day. Oh yeah, they re-seeded a really long section of Challenge again last night. Imagine that! Lots of PASR's in the house today, rolling several six-pack deep. I finally left around 12:30 and went up to the Summit Lodge and bought next years season pass and signed off on the waiver as well. I've never been at Blue for closing and I've never actually seen anyone pond skimming, so I'm looking forward to that.
I know I left out shit loads of details, like toast hitting the glades, beer runs to the parking lot... Pics are uploading now.
Resort or Ski Area: Blue Mountain
Conditions: Sunny springtime conditions
Trip Report: What an awesome day at Blue Mountain today. I pulled into the lower lot at 7:35 am. At 7:40 am AtomicSkier and I were starting the day off with a nice cold beer. Next thing you know, I've got 3 in me before 9:30 thanks to my beer bottle pockets. :beer: Such nice skiing all day. Oh yeah, they re-seeded a really long section of Challenge again last night. Imagine that! Lots of PASR's in the house today, rolling several six-pack deep. I finally left around 12:30 and went up to the Summit Lodge and bought next years season pass and signed off on the waiver as well. I've never been at Blue for closing and I've never actually seen anyone pond skimming, so I'm looking forward to that.
I know I left out shit loads of details, like toast hitting the glades, beer runs to the parking lot... Pics are uploading now.