Big Game
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madskier6 said:Most MRG shareholders are not interested in getting cashed out at a profit.
Indeed. And the Coop's purpose (so I understand) is not even to maximize shareholder revenue. So really, to initiate a shareholder D's suit on that basis that the baord is not maximizing returns would get no where.
Rather, a stronger case (assuming the facts were there) would be in that current management is not fulfilling its mission in securing the future of MRG.
Now would a shareholder's D case succeed? It would be tough. There would have to be serious mismanagement. I could be wrong, but I don't think anything is there. But compared to constitutional claims (although that gimpy golfer case makes me think twice) a shatreholder's D suit at least has a chance.
Wait...thinking about that gimpy golfer case. What if you were a snowboarder who couldn't ski because of bad knees and only could snowboard. Bring a suit under ADA? Of course the counter-argument would be there are other places to snowboard, but not other places to play professional golf. And if you snowboard, I think its difficult to claim you're disabled. And what kind of gimpy snowboarder would be able to handle the terrian at MRG? And what kind of snowboarder would sue for access? I just don't think a snowbaorder would do that.
On the other hand, and I really don't want to start a flame war or anything, but something I read on the internet about this skier was running late at Nordstrom's and backs his Lexus SUV into a lightpole because his was too distracted talking on his cell phone to his broker, but then he later claimed that the lightpole gave him emotional distress and sued the mall owner for creating such a hazard.
Again, I have no idea if the above is true. But something else I read was written in the bathroom at the orphanage I volunteer is "Skiers have city hands. From counting money all day."
Please, no attacks. I am just a simple messenger.