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I was on the chair with this like 9 year old kid last year who was getting a lesson. This kid was an out of control, spoiled snob. He was sitting on the inside seat, and kept trying to hit every tower we passed with his snowboard. He was yelling profanities at every skier/rider that passed below us, telling them they suck, and how he was so much better than them.
He was saying how he could so jump off the chairlift from that point (I was kind of hoping he would) , the instructor was trying to get him to just sit still and stop trying to hit the tower with his board since he was leaning out so far. Seeing as he was a kid there was no way his legs were long enough to even come close, but dammit he was trying. I met eyes with the instructor, and they basically said "they don't pay me enough for this shit, I can't wait for this lesson to be over"
I should've hip checked him when we were uploading.
I have experienced that attitude at ski areas that have private schools associated with them. Kids own the place. At the same time met others that were pretty cool too.