Sure they do. Its called MMT - and heck since it can print all the money it could ever desire, those who actually support this nonsense ( in the true meaning of that word) should not require any tax revenue of any kind. Simply run the printing press. Its worked so well for all the empires who did it previous to the US.Yes they do, they get to beg the federal government for money. However they don't realize that they've crippled the federal governments revenue stream at the same time that they put their economies in the crapper. What's that saying about killing the goose that laid the golden egg?
The Bank of Mom and Dad don't have the money either...
Keep thumbs on small businesses - generally independent people - let multinationals take the business away - and you have ( mostly) subservient populace. Globalism on steroids. $600K to 'save money instead of utilizing those solar-powered signs' is an oxymoron. Once paid for, ostensibly they are supposed to be 'free'.