Active member
Just wondering how specific your company is on qualifications for folks in the US...one of the problems with jobs is that it seems like many companies are looking for the perfect employee who needs no training whatsoever.I'm doing great financially...
All my friends are working..
My house is almost paid for..
I have no debt except a mortgage..
I'm back to giving a lot to charity...
My 401k - although a bit flat now is doing well..
But from where I sit - things are doing well.. The company I work for is kicking ass and can't hire people quick enough..
I can't find enough people to staff IT jobs around the country and it kills me. We are moving our outsourcing from India to the Philippines. Indians want too much $ now..
I know construction is suffering.. But you had to see the construction slowdown coming... I did and I don't even work in construction.
We need people to learn for the jobs of the future..
While we were sending our kids to wars other countries were preparing their youth for the future.
The recovery is slow... But I have patients and believe that it is happening the correct way.. It may not put people back into McMansions but it doing well for me now..
PS: My year hiatus is over.. But don't try to drag me into any AZ drama... Not going to happen... Peace y'all... Until next time!
What ever happened to the approach of hiring a smart capable person and making a reasonable investment in training?
I think the job situation is bad because most companies are finding out that even though they could hire they are managing with fewer people...and that makes a big difference in costs.