Well-known member
I feel sorry for people who actually think they need epic powder to enjoy the sport of skiing!
Long live the Ice Coast!!! :beer:
yeah, right...
you're in serious denial !
I'm also for the philosopy "enjoy what you've got", but seriously, you need to scrape up some bucks and expand your horizonts a bit. That's illmatic's main point and you people beating on him like a drum for reflecting a bit of sad truth.
Who wouldn't want some epic powder???
It maybe a bit depressing to acquire scale of comparison that includes the rockies, sierras or the alps and then apply it to the North East.
We have a lot to be thankful for, but let's face it, abundant and regular natural snowfall isn't part of it.
If you lucky to live close to decent hill and can jump on it anytime it snows a bit, that's great, but for a lot of people like myself who only get the chance to ski is on weekends (if that), skiing on a few inches of fresh powder is a dream.
Skiing on man made crap is just that, crap. A pale simulation of the real thing.
We pee with excitement all over ourselves even at a hint of a few inches of fresh snow or maybe even some cold dry weather so some artifical crap can be blown to simulate the real thing. Just look at the "Official storm.." threads that go up anytime there is a prospect for a few inches of ppt.
And if you reall maintain that powder isn't a ncessary ingredient of enjoying skiing/rindg, you're full of it.