My thoughts on snowboarding
I have an issue with testosterone-ladden 17-year-olds. It doesn't matter what they have on their feet.
I think snowboarding is more appropriate in the west where you're on natural snow rathern than eastern hardpack. They're also more appropriate for mountains with much snow and little traffic to keep bumps from forming. If I were at a place like Mount Baker, I'd probably be on a snowboard.
Novice snowboarders tend to get over their heads and sideslip steep natural snow terrain ruining it for everybody else. Novice skiers are more self-limiting and you see far fewer of them in those places. Some of that is the testosterone-ladden 17-year-old thing.
Boarder chicks in the spring are nice to look at.
I think short shaped skis are worse than snowboards at trashing mogul fields. I also think that low skill skiers traversing in mogul fields do more damage than snowboards.
Snowboarders are great for breaking up the crust in the woods.
The overall skill level of snowboarders has inproved significantly over the last decade.
I have no trouble reading where a skier is going to turn based on body motion. I don't have a clue with snowboarders.
Many snowboarders have no sense of etiquitte on the hill. They hit people and don't bother stopping. They sit down in the middle of everything in large clumps like Canadian Geese on my lawn in the fall. They often ignore anyone who might be on their blind side when they make a turn in that direction. There are skiers who are just as bad but I think there are less of them.
Come on Geoff :-? Don't agree with almost everything you said.:roll: Some very ignorant statements. I ski and snowboard. Either works just fine West, East, North, South. In powder or hardpack. Natural or manmade. groomed or ungroomed. etc... How can you comment on something you know absolutely nothing about? At least I've done both and can compare.
Just as many Novice skiers get in over their heads as snowboarders. As far as novices scraping off the snow, novice skiers are not much better sideslipping. You put 2 ski's together sideslipping and it's pretty much the same as a snowboarder heelsliding. Everybody sucked at one time and was in over their heads many times. Me included skiing and snowboarding and I'm sure you have also...
I guess all the skiers on the mountain have etiquitte? :???: It's not the toy, but the tool on it that causes the problems. Plenty of dickheads on skis as there are on snowboards. You can't just make a blanket statement about everybody. I don't care if you snowboard, ski, skiblade, slide on your ass, etc...
I guess this snowboarder vs skier crapola will never end...:???: