Well-known member
Can't believe how many intelligent members don't get the value of the Tram. The wide-eyed wonder of those 6 to 60 years old, first time riders is what it's all about! An elderly woman naming all the gorgeous vistas from the top to her out-of-town friends - is what it's about! Who knows how many 5+ figure weddings are booked due to photo - ops of mountain top wedding parties...get my drift?
How badly does that view deteriorate if you take a high speed quad and then a fixed grip double to the top?
When the majority of the skiers are there, the experience is an frustratingly long wait. It's also the experience of being jammed up against a sweaty stranger.
That's what enduring lifetime memories are made of! You obviously just don't get it. I bet you don't even appreciate standing in ski boots for over an hour. Come to think of it, you should probably quit skiing altogether.
On a Monday with all other lifts likely empty.
Ski on. I wasn't even there, but I know, this; precisely, this.
What's beyond me is why anyone would wait an hour to ski an extra 100m vertical especially when the really cool stuff boils down to 5 turns on Face Chute, 3 on Green Beret and about 15 on Pumphouse.
And for the life of me, I cannot understand waiting an hour so ski Northway or Vermonter unless you like skiing half days and are happy with 6 runs per day.
Apparently it has to do with weddings, and old ladies naming random mountain peaks in southern Quebec.