Date(s) Skied: 1-28-07 9:00-2:30
Resort or Ski Area: Jiminy Peak MA.
Conditions: Packed Powder Slick with some ice..No wind some light snow & 28degrees
Trip Report: Got up at 4:30 and was out the door at 5 am headed to my cousin's house. Picked him up and we were headed to Jiminy. Arrived around 8:30 and were on the triple chair by 9. Our first run was down north glade which was fast with packed powder and man-made snow on top. We then headed over to the Widow White's Quad and skied coyote ridge. The six pack had a pretty good crowd but we decided to try it since it was the easiest way to get to Jericho. The six pack does a nice job moving people pretty fast so the wait was not that long. Jericho was in good shape with a nice carving surface. On our way down they just started the Q1 Quad so we decided to do some laps on Jericho and then try whitetail which had a good amount of ice. We also hit Whirlaway twice which was also in nice shape.
After lunch we jumped back on the six and headed over to Cutter to see if they had any bumps down..Which was a big NO but skied it anyway and found it very thin. We skied off the Widow White's Quad for a few more runs before heading over to the other side of the mountain to take a look at the run mogal thing to see what they had down. Nice little bump set up, so we decided to spend the rest of the day on the Triple Chair skiing upper fox to mogal thing.
We finished at 2:30 and headed home. Nice day at Jiminy and they made the most of the colder temps..They could use some natural but the conditions were nice.
Resort or Ski Area: Jiminy Peak MA.
Conditions: Packed Powder Slick with some ice..No wind some light snow & 28degrees
Trip Report: Got up at 4:30 and was out the door at 5 am headed to my cousin's house. Picked him up and we were headed to Jiminy. Arrived around 8:30 and were on the triple chair by 9. Our first run was down north glade which was fast with packed powder and man-made snow on top. We then headed over to the Widow White's Quad and skied coyote ridge. The six pack had a pretty good crowd but we decided to try it since it was the easiest way to get to Jericho. The six pack does a nice job moving people pretty fast so the wait was not that long. Jericho was in good shape with a nice carving surface. On our way down they just started the Q1 Quad so we decided to do some laps on Jericho and then try whitetail which had a good amount of ice. We also hit Whirlaway twice which was also in nice shape.
After lunch we jumped back on the six and headed over to Cutter to see if they had any bumps down..Which was a big NO but skied it anyway and found it very thin. We skied off the Widow White's Quad for a few more runs before heading over to the other side of the mountain to take a look at the run mogal thing to see what they had down. Nice little bump set up, so we decided to spend the rest of the day on the Triple Chair skiing upper fox to mogal thing.
We finished at 2:30 and headed home. Nice day at Jiminy and they made the most of the colder temps..They could use some natural but the conditions were nice.