Removeable? Or if it's less than a foot off the ground they don't need them at all right there?
From the ACT 250 permit application:
Walkway will a “raised” design and sit on existing stabilized ground.
and also:
Although these projects have the potential for being later in the construction season, there will be minimal to no excavation. Excavation is limited to the footings for the two hut relocations.
and also:
This project consists of constructing a raised 4' wide 750' railed walkway from the top of the North Ridge Triple lift to the K1 Gondola terminal. The pressure treated matted walkway with long flat sections and sporadic sections of stairs will provide early season access to upper level skiing and riding. The walk will take approximately 5 to 8 minutes and can be utilized for hikers and K1 Gondola guests in the summer. The route of this walkway follows an existing trail and will require no cutting of trees along it's route.
From this I think the walkway will be no more than pressure treated mats laying directly on the ground, easily covered by snow making. If the walkway was off the ground then some kind of footing would have been involved. Not sure how they can build stairs without footings and keep them stable.