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Killington & Pico - 3/16/08


Jan 7, 2008
where its snowing
Date(s) Skied: 3/16

Resort or Ski Area: Pico, K-ton, Pico (yea, that 79$ K-ton lift ticket is valid at Pico too)

Conditions: Groomed PP, Corned slush lower mountains

Trip Report: Pico, I'm reluctant to tell you about Pico if you haven't gone before. I actually encourage you to continue to go to Killington, so I won't see you at Pico. The fact that you can drive just 10 minutes more, pay 30$ less for a lift ticket, and enjoy a mountain with old-school charm is just a few reasons why it is a great hill. It's smaller in trail count, but seems about the same vertical drop.. Throw in a yearly telemark demo day, and you have even more of a reason to check it out.

I tried to convince my girlfriend and her whole group of coworkers to save a few bucks and check out Pico. One guy had already splurged for the Killington pass for Sunday the day before, so somehow we all ended up going to Killington again. I had planned to head over to Pico to demo some telemark ski's, and who knows maybe even take a lesson before learning some bad habits...

I only got in a few runs off the Golden Express before heading back over to Killington to meet up with my girlfriends crew. Turns at K-ton were good today, less choppy than sat, good PP turns. The whole group basically sticked to Blue Square runs, but we took a chance on a Cascade which was in excellent shape for a double Diamond. The 8 of us rode the K1-Gondola a few times, pretty minimal line, I was amazed. I remember skiing Rime, Reason, Chute all had great cover and conditions. The whole group stayed together well, which was pretty good considering the size --

Around 2:30, back to Pico, back on a snowboard... Cruised a few of diamonds and squares off the summit, but don't know the mountain well enough to remember even the names of the trails off hand... conditions were nice, very carveable... Top of the mountain was a bit crusty, mid nice, lower mashed potatoes.... Ended the day off the old-school outback chair, some great steeps, glade + bump runs....

Once again, only words for now.. pictures hopefully soon I'll post here...


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2006
I like Pico just because the runs are way longer than over at killington. I never understood why it's so slow over there.


Staff member
Jun 4, 2004
NEK by Birth
Pico is awesome. I just wish that they took better care of it, blew more snow, extended the season, etc. I still maintain that if Pico were anywhere else in the state than it would be much more successful. But it is in the shadow of Killington (and people literally drive by it).