doesn't B n' G contain about 4 sticks of butter per pint? Haven't purchased for years, but they have the 'no air, heavy on the cream' formula right.thats mike hayes, he's one of the best skiers in vermont. he at least used to be a marketing exec at ben and jerrys, and posts ridiculous dawn patrol runs before work in the stowe backcountry. not sure if he still works for b and j. but hes an incredible skier. also not going THAT fast. hes not straightlining, he's checking. and its emptyish.
aside - i eat too much ice cream, and i used to eat a lot of ben and jerrys. i recently switched to haagen daaz. look at the ingredients on each. haagen daaz is all natural stuff you can pronounce. ben and jerrys is not.
edit - it looks like he works for krispy kreme now. dude is part of big sugar.
edit2 - can someone post the videos of the killington kids?
Recall their ' we are not gonna pay the top guy any more than 7x the lowest paid'. Well, guess what? Janitor was $7 an hour and at the time you couldn't find a $100K CEO or anywhere close to that. Somehow, I think Unilever paid quite a bit more to B n' G.