New member
What an unexpected awesome weekend this turned out to be! Early on I was expecting to find somewhat firm conditions but it never really got cold enough on Friday night for things to setup which left the mountain buttery soft on the bottom and only a tad firmer on top. As the day progressed both Saturday and Sunday the upper mountain softened up nicely and basically the whole mountain was a playground. Best skiing for me was Sorceror on Saurday and Witch to Black Line on Sunday. The highlight for me though was watching my 9 year old do his first descent down Red Line. That really made his season. Big thumbs up to the Ops crew for clearing debris off the trails. It was amazing to see how many trees and limbs were down because of the ice storm on Monday. They really had had their work cut out for them this week. Even on Saturday Broomstick was a mess but the ops crew got in there for a couple of hours in the morning and cleared the trees and debris so we could get our turns in. I didn't venture in but it looked like Slide of Hans got hit hard with lots of trees down on the trail.