I'm planning on attending the public hearing, who else is gonna be there?
# Public Hearing
Water Bureau will hold a public hearing on closing the MDC properties to recreation July 20th, 5:30pm at the Auditorium at Town Hall in West Hartford. For maximum impact we need to fill/overfill the meeting room to show how important keeping the Res open to recreational activities is to us.
# Public hearing July 20th at 5:30 pm in West Hartford
Directions to West Hartford Town Hall
50 South Main Street, West Hartford, Connecticut
From the north and south: Take Interstate 91 or Route 9 to Interstate 84 and follow the directions* below.
From the east and west: Take Interstate 84 to exit 43 (Park Road / West Hartford Center) and follow the directions* below.
* Directions to Town Hall from all routes:
* Turn left at the bottom of the I-84 highway ramp onto Park Road.
* At second light, turn right onto South Main Street. Proceed through traffic light at the Boulevard.
* Turn right at next traffic light into the parking lot entrance of Town Hall.
* Take a ticket at the gate and park anywhere in the parking lot or garage. There is 30-minute reserved parking for town hall business closest to the building. Bring your ticket with you so it can be validated at the Town Hall or Police Department office in which you do business. (Parking will be free for the public hearing... not sure if the gate will be left open, or you will have to take ticket and get it stamped. When I find out, I'll post it her.