Borrowing Euler's theme here. We weren't on skis...but we did use Phresheez to track. We ended up hiking almost 4 miles...most of it was untracked. As a skier, I don't like crust on the snow. Today, I enjoyed it. Walking in the middle of the woods was pretty darn easy. We were able to pick up some snowmobile tracks towards the end and that was really easy walking. Also did a little exploring around our neighborhood, but I didn't take pics.
This is an old logging road just off our neighbors driveway. We found where the deer bed down at night:
Mrs Glenn near the deer bed:
This field is aways through the woods...maybe a mile back or so. All untracked. Just before I took this pic, I saw an owl fly and land just out of sight in a tree. Pretty crazy after seeing Euler's pic a few hours earlier.
Here's how deep the snow is...that's a barbed wire fence just poking out of the snow.
Relaxing in an old tree stand that was now close to the ground:
Here's where things got interesting. I just finished taking a leak and my wife says: "Uhhhh! Something is coming towards us!" It was a (Greg) Fisher Cat. It hardly looked at us...but wasn't really bothered by us. It walked around a bit and we decided to move along. We followed the path/old dirt road we were on and headed to the field. The entire way, the snow was covered in Fisher Cat we knew we were in it's territory. Instead of back tracking, we took another way home.
Deer! Well, sorta. We ducked into the woods after crossing another field in order to get back to the Class IV portion of our road. That's where we saw a few of these. It was near some property where there's a house.
All in all, a sweet walk today. It was so nice to get out and move around a bit. Plus, we walked pretty far in snowshoes.
This is an old logging road just off our neighbors driveway. We found where the deer bed down at night:

Mrs Glenn near the deer bed:

This field is aways through the woods...maybe a mile back or so. All untracked. Just before I took this pic, I saw an owl fly and land just out of sight in a tree. Pretty crazy after seeing Euler's pic a few hours earlier.

Here's how deep the snow is...that's a barbed wire fence just poking out of the snow.

Relaxing in an old tree stand that was now close to the ground:

Here's where things got interesting. I just finished taking a leak and my wife says: "Uhhhh! Something is coming towards us!" It was a (Greg) Fisher Cat. It hardly looked at us...but wasn't really bothered by us. It walked around a bit and we decided to move along. We followed the path/old dirt road we were on and headed to the field. The entire way, the snow was covered in Fisher Cat we knew we were in it's territory. Instead of back tracking, we took another way home.

Deer! Well, sorta. We ducked into the woods after crossing another field in order to get back to the Class IV portion of our road. That's where we saw a few of these. It was near some property where there's a house.

All in all, a sweet walk today. It was so nice to get out and move around a bit. Plus, we walked pretty far in snowshoes.
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