Hit up snow today. Windy on the main face, trails looked ok though. went over to beartrap and found nice soft big bumps over there. nice zipper top 1/3rd, big old walled out monsters in the middle and another nice zip at the bottom. was gonna head over to the north face but apparently they evac'ed one of the lifts over there and closed it. By the time they reopened it, my legs were in full revolt so i never checked it out. basically lapped beartrap all day. probably got about 20 runs or so on it. short, but with the short lift ride, little time for my early season legs to recoup. no complaints though. took a few pics for the bump lovers here cause i heard there are a few more of us. i'll post those after i eat. didnt stop for lunch as the lines on the summit express were ghastly, even the singles line. actually, the crowds in general were crushing but not on the beartrap double. until that broke down for about 15 minutes.