Well-known member
while Bg is applauding the extra 3b added to the nj operating budget, his property value are being negatively effected for long time.
Huh? The fact that oodles of people are "fleeing" from New Jersey certainly isn't because of the fact a very small number of New Jerseyans have to sit on a track for 8 additional minutes per ride. It's because of the high taxes, the high cost of living, and our state government's execution by firing squad of businesses.
And the last thing I'd do right now is buy a house anyway, because there's going to be a "Housing Crash part 2". I currently rent a very nice property at a rate that is currently significantly less than the cost of home ownership.* I'll buy someday, but it likely wont be in New Jersey, and it will definitely be after "Son of Housing Bubble" bursts.
*That example demonstrates just how expensive NJ is, depending on where you are, renting is often cheaper than owning. That's an inversion that shouldn't occur.
Mass has talked about actually taxing people by how many miles they drive to pay for roads which does not play into this thinking well at all.
That has more to do with trying to make people drive less, because ideologically they hate gas, because they believe Global Warming is "killing the planet", than it does with a sound financial planning policy to maintain roads.