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POS cars you've owned


Dec 16, 2004
southern NJ
did you ever take any of those beasts skiing? Sounds like the drive could be an adventure in any of those in the winter.

My Datsun wagon used to creak, literally when we went north. It literally ran out of heat. the engine was so small, it seemed designed for warm weather, there was nothing wrong with the thermostat or cooling system, we checked and check. I literally had to decide if I would just ski at Gunstock (north from Boston) because the cold just got unbearable. Finally decided the Datsun wasn't bred to be a ski car and traded it.

When I had the Dodge PU, I was mostly doing bc skiing in the ADKs & WV. I always ran studded tires in the winter, & recall driving up some steep snowy dirt road in WV until I got to the point where the tire were spinning & wearing grooves in the rock. Actually, my first new vehicle, a 77 or 78 Datsun PU, was surprisingly one of the best 2wd vehicles I ever drove in snow. Something about the weight distibution with a cap on the back made it unstoppable. Unfortunately, it was also rust-prone. I could see the road beneath me within 6 years time.