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It was a joke. I wanted to say before someone else did.
And don't get confused with a GW person.
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It was a joke. I wanted to say before someone else did.
And don't get confused with a GW person.
As in George W. or Global Warming.
Glob, globa, global warming - there I said it!
Disruption. Get it right.
You do realize that you are saying that thousands of climate scientists working in labs, universities and private companies are ALL a bunch of fraudulent crazy lunatics ????
I would like to say it is the fault of Bush and the Koch Brothers.
Someone say more snow?
That new Koch Brothers boogey-man, however, is instructive of just how easily you can make lemmings of people with a targeted propaganda campaign. A relatively frew months ago practically nobody knew who the Koch Brothers were, but DNC talking points instructed politcal operatives to talk about them as much as they can to "create an adversary" to harness anger against, and VOILA - enemy created. That, and a few millions of dollars (literally) in funding to create said boogey-man of course. You cant go but a day or two without a new Huffington Post piece "informing" their readers about them. lol. Psychologically, I find it somewhat fascinating, though a bit scary.
Benny, if your posts didn't possess a glint of humor, they could be dismissed as knee jerk reactionary drivel, composed by talking point spouting conservobots.
But seriously here, anybody with even a minor interest in the flow of money into politics, and how it all works in our post Citizens United, "Tea Party" candidate world has known about the Koch bros since at least the 2010 election cycle. Freedomworks.....Americans for Prosperity.....etc. Give people a little more credit dude.
The slanted ruler marketing measurements of a ski resort like Killington are hardly something to depend on for trends.
If you want to do some real analysis, use actual records. There is an upward trend at Burlington of 0.27 inches per year with a very, very significant p-value of 1.97e-05. The correlation coefficient is not important and should be system with variability.
Copy that table into Excel and save as a CSV, then using R:
> s <- read.csv('BTV_snow.csv')
> reg <- lm(s$Season ~ I(1:nrow(s)))
> summary(reg)
lm(formula = s$Season ~ I(1:nrow(s)))
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-50.967 -13.764 1.241 10.812 67.760
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 60.15987 3.77799 15.924 < 2e-16 ***
I(1:nrow(s)) 0.26893 0.06017 4.469 1.97e-05 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 19.49 on 106 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.1586, Adjusted R-squared: 0.1506
F-statistic: 19.98 on 1 and 106 DF, p-value: 1.972e-05
Lets just have a look shall we?For all of you talking about the Koch Brothers and their political agenda for the right. The left has even a smarier one.
George Soros.
He should be the poster child for all of what the liberals hate. But he is the backer of pretty much everything liberal.
There is a positive slope to the data but a R^2 of 0.15 is not a strong correlation.
Lets just have a look shall we?
This is taken directly from forbes top 15 richest in America.
D-Bill Gates 56 Billion
D- Warren Buffett $50.0 billion:
D- Lawrence Ellison $39.5 billion
D- Jim Walton 20.1 billion
D- Alice Walton 20 billion
D- S. Robson Walton 20 billion
I- Michael Bloomberg 18 billion (was a D for 20 yrs then became a RINO and is now an I):
D- Larry Page – Google – 15 billion
D- Sergey Brin – Google – 15 million
D to R – Sheldon Adelson – 14.7 billion is now 23 billion
D- George”Spooky Dude” Soros – Crime Inc,.14.2 billion
D- Mark Zuckerberg $13.5 billion
D- Dustin Moskovitz $2.7 billion
D- Sean Parker $1.6 billion
D- Peter Thiel $1.6 billion
D- Yuri Milner $1 billion
D- Eduardo Saverin $1.6 billion
R- Michael Dell 14 billion
R- Charles Koch 21.5 billion
R- David Koch 21.5 bllion
What? You mean there are far more uber wealthy democrats than Republicans? NO Say it isn't so.
Examine this as well: 7of the top ten richest people in congress are ...... you guessed it. Democrats.
There is a positive slope to the data but a R^2 of 0.15 is not a strong correlation.